European Central
Recovery Group

If you’re a victim of an cyber crime or crypto fraud, contact us today for a free consultation.

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The organization with most sophisticated tools

Secure storage

We store the vast majority of the digital assets in secure offline storage.

Protected by insurance

Cryptocurrency stored on our servers is covered by our insurance policy.

Industry best practices

ECRG supports a variety of the most popular digital currencies.

We provide a unique, all-in-one crypto recovery service, covering the entire process from investigating and tracing the proceeds of fraud, through to complex legal recovery processes and enforcement. We’re a team of cyber intelligence specialists, recovery agents, forensic accountants and expert lawyers, working with our proprietary technology all under one roof. If you’re insured, we’ll generally work on a contingency basis, and you’ll keep more than two thirds of any assets we successfully recover. If you’re not insured, we may still be able to help, as long as you’re able to fund the recovery process or can access after-the-event (ATE) and adverse costs insurance. We have a 100% success rate, and recovered in the region of £500,000 worth of crypto assets last year alone. From insuring crypto asset investments before the event, right through to recovering crypto assets should the worst happen, we’re here to protect your crypto investments.

Victim of a fraud ?

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Company number: 04542853
Phone: +44 20 3286 1428 | Email: [email protected]
Address: 37 Crestway, London, United Kingdom, SW15 5DB

Recovery of assets

Lost funds in cyber fraud ? Fill in the report and we will help you to recover majority of funds.


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